Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Last Night

Don’t go, my love!
Not today, not this night
Remember your promise?
How can this be right
                 Times are indeed cruel
                Oh God give us courage
                But I still don’t get it -
                Why all the killer rage
Torn by this nasty war
The nation lost its beauty
You must go rather far
Be bound by your duty
                The mind accepts it
                Being, after all, shrewd
                The heart vetoes it
                There in comes the feud
I am lost, totally speechless
With you gone, why this life
I am pained by distress
To get through this strife
                Journey to battlefield
                To fight them; to attack
                But what would it yield
                If you did not come back
We will win this war
I am sure about it
But what of me?
Did you think a bit
            Promise me, my love
On this very last night
Our love for each other
It always be bright